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Biden Breaks His Silence On Trump Letter – Joe Admits Donald’s Oval Office Welcome Was “Very Generous”

During the 2020 presidential election, rumors swirled that then-Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump wouldn’t leave the White House peacefully if he lost.

However, while Trump maintains the election was “rigged,” he did leave Washington with little incident. In fact, it turns out he left incoming POTUS Joe Biden a letter, which until now hasn’t been talked about much.

But Biden Has Broken His Silence On This Note — And It Might Erase Any Claims That Trump Was Hostile Toward Biden At The Time.

While much of America was aware that Trump has left Biden some sort of message in writing, nobody knew what the letter included. The new White House offered no information on it, either.

It’s customary for an outgoing President to offer the incoming leader a letter or message of some kind, and sometimes the details of that communication are released to the press.

Now, while the Biden administration hasn’t divulged the exact contents of the letter, they do say that it was “more gracious” than they’d expected. It also verifies what Trump himself said about it some time ago.

Via Washington Examiner:

Former President Donald Trump left a letter behind for President Joe Biden that the latter described as ‘more gracious’ than he ‘had anticipated,’ according to a new report.

Over the weekend, the New York Times reported that part of the information comes from an aide who saw Biden find the letter in the Oval Office desk. The aide said it was two pages and had Trump’s “distinctive handwriting.”

This follows up on Biden telling reporters that he’d received a “very generous letter” from Trump after being sworn in, and then-Press Secretary Jen Psaki echoed those sentiments.

Not long after, Trump went on The Truth with Lisa Boothe podcast and said:

Basically, I wish him luck and, you know, it was a couple of pages long, and it was from the heart, because I want to see him do well.

Look, he’s there. It was a rigged election, an election that you know I would never concede, and by the way, Hillary Clinton said he should never concede.

But you know what, he’s there, and I want him to do well.

Biden Acknowledging Now That It Was “More Gracious” Than Anyone Thought Might Cast Trump In A Slightly Different Light.

Widely seen as a villain among the left, many liberals apparently believed Trump would cause problems if he lost. Some even said he’d have to be forcibly removed from the White House.

However, given Biden’s new thoughts on the letter and reflecting on what both Psaki and Trump said about it, there doesn’t appear to be much animosity in that 2020 message.

The former President has been very vocal in his criticism of the current administration, of course, and he maintains that the previous election was “stolen.”

Even so, some of the more exaggerated reports of his hostility toward Biden himself – especially at the time of the election – don’t seem to hold much water. And it’s possible the two could square off again in 2024.

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