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Washington Rocked By Biden Spending Probe – House GOP Demands D.C. “Turn Over All Records” Immediately

While most would agree that the pandemic is over, the fallout is obvious: we’re facing serious economic strife and on top of that, countless COVID-related lawsuits keep cascading down.

Numerous investigations are being conducted into lawmakers and elected officials across the country, and Washington isn’t immune. Many leaders are calling for probes into several high-profile individuals, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci.

And Now, House GOP Members Are Opening A New Investigation Into The Biden Administration.

With the markets in a difficult position and the economy seemingly teetering on the brink of a recession, Americans are looking more closely at government spending.

During the pandemic, spending was at an all-time high, as trillions were spent on stimulus packages to keep the country going. However, critics say that we’re now suffering the consequences of all that spending.

Furthermore, Republican leaders believe a lot of that spending was either unnecessary or used for non-pandemic-related things.

That’s why a group of right-wing lawmakers are targeting the Department of Education — they want to know how billions were spent in pandemic funding.

Via Washington Examiner:

House Republicans are demanding that the Department of Education turn over all records related to learning loss during the pandemic and how schools spent $263 billion in federal coronavirus relief funds.

Led by Reps. James Comer (R-KY) and Virginia Foxx (R-NC), this request went to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, and they’re demanding the department “Turn Over All Communication.

The communication involves school reopenings and teachers unions as well. GOP leaders believe much of that $263B was either unspent or used on non-COVID-related expenses.

The letter reads in part:

Study after study shows the learning losses caused by prolonged pandemic school closures are compounding and preventing students from achieving academic success.

Committee Republicans plan to ensure the Department is doing everything in its power to ensure states and school districts properly target funds to remedy the acute learning losses brought on by prolonged pandemic school closures.

This comes after the Biden administration passed the “Inflation Reduction” bill, which is more spending Republicans believe will only put the country in a worse position.

It’s also very possible that the bill could hurt vulnerable Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections.

As for the school spending probe, we’ve heard numerous reports and rumors of schools using funding for questionable expenses. Many have asked similar questions of state governments, too.

Rep. Comer told the Examiner that our students “Are Suffering From Acute Learning Loss, A Mental Health Crisis, And Untold Consequences” due to the draconian lockdowns.

And all those billions couldn’t avoid this, so Comer and his colleagues want to know where the money went, and whether or not it was used appropriately. Added Rep. Foxx:

Over the course of the pandemic, the Biden administration and its teacher union allies have kept America’s children from their classrooms — and acute learning loss has prevailed.

Millions of dollars in funding provided to school districts have been stagnating while many students are unacceptably behind in their education development.

Pandemic spending will likely be under the microscope for years to come, especially if the economy continues to show signs of floundering.

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