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Lindsey Graham Executes Power-Move In Congress

In the aftermath of Roe v Wade’s death, Democrats have pushed for new abortion legislation. They want to “codify” Roe v Wade in Congress. But so far, their bills have gone much further than the 1973 decision.

Republican Sen. Graham is fighting back. He wants to pass abortion legislation through Congress, but this is not what the left was expecting.

From Daily Caller:

Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham will reportedly introduce an updated version of the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act, which would prohibit abortions after 15 weeks.

This might stir up the midterms. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is pushing a bill that will ban abortions nationally after 15 weeks.

It’s unclear yet if this bill would invalidate state laws that have total abortion bans. But it aims to put limits on blue states that have thrown open the floodgates after the Dobbs decision.

Democrats have scrambled to protect abortion after the recent Supreme Court ruling.

Liberal-run states are rushing to allow abortion on demand. They have launched lawsuits in states that have set strict limits on abortion.

This bill could throw a wrench into their plans. A federal limit on abortions could mean pro-life states won’t be able to ban it.

But it will prevent blue states from allowing abortion up to (and after) birth.

As of right now, this bill is unlikely to see the light of day, although that could change quickly if the GOP makes major gains in the midterms.

However, the left might use it as ammunition going into the midterms. Democrats claimed ending Roe v. Wade would help them in the upcoming elections. Yet polling (and the left’s own campaigning) seemingly show voters are more concerned with the economy.

But if Republicans push for this 15-week ban, it could motivate enough pro-abortion voters to flood the polls.

It’s unclear right now. But most Republicans appear more willing to fight this battle at the state level–where bigger victories can be achieved.

Graham’s move, although noble, might not benefit the pro-life cause.

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