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FBI Sent Spinning by Heavy Accusations – Jim Jordan Says 14 Whistleblowers Have Come Forward

As the FBI raid on Donald Trump continues to dominate headlines, there’s a great deal going on behind the scenes.

And according to one leading Republican, a lot of that activity involves whistleblowers coming to the GOP — and the results could be explosive.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) told Fox News host Trey Gowdy that it isn’t just one whistleblower who has come forward.

In fact, more than a dozen people have delivered apparently secret information to Republican leaders, and Jordan says they’re all “good people.”

What they have to reveal isn’t yet known, but it could fly in the face of anything the DOJ publicly releases.

Via Washington Examiner:

More than a dozen FBI whistleblowers have come forward to Republican investigators in Congress, according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

The congressman, who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News host Trey Gowdy the number has risen to 14 after the FBI raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

Jordan claims the public has “figured it out,” and both “Big Media” and “Big Tech” are reporting and amplifying “the lie.”

He added that these whistleblowers are coming to the GOP, “telling us what is baloney, what’s going on,” etc.

If it really is 14, that’s significantly higher than a few months ago, when Jordan told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that six FBI officials have come forward.

These whistleblowers are willing to dish on events such as the January 6 fiasco, and school boards around the country.

There was even rumors that the FBI was “purging” employees with conservative viewpoints, a revelation that would open up a whole new can of worms.

It isn’t just Jordan who’s claiming whistleblower information, either.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed that his team has received whistleblower disclosures as well, and that includes information related to Hunter Biden.

And Jordan added:

It is becoming a well-worn trail of agents who say, ‘This has got to stop.’ And thank goodness for them.

Throw in the recent FBI raid on former President Donald Trump, and this government agency is suddenly in the spotlight. And they might have a lot to answer for.

We’ll have to see what sort of details these whistleblowers had but when they become public, expect the news to latch on quickly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rep. Jim Jordan says 14 whistleblowers have come to the GOP with info about the FBI.
  • Jordan says there’s a “well-worn trail of agents” who are saying, “this has got to stop.”
  • Disclosures evidently involve the Jan. 6 event and Hunter Biden.

Source: Washington Examiner

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