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Lauren Boebert Puts Nancy Pelosi On Notice After Speaker Got Booed In NYC: “November 8th You’ll Be Booed Out Of The Majority”

Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert put House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on notice after Pelosi heard the boo birds at a New York City appearance.

Pelosi getting booed in liberal New York City portends doom for the Dems in the midterms, or so thinks Boebert. Lauren said: “Get used to it, Fancy Nancy. November 8th you’ll be booed out of the majority.”

Pelosi said to boos: “As speaker of the house, I am here to thank you for your dazzling advocacy, entrepreneurial thinking, and determination as global citizens.

“It’s thanks to your help that the United States recently enacted historic climate legislation, which will be a game changer,” Pelosi said.

“It will slash carbon pollution by 40% by 2030, it will give a historic, an historic $370 billion to fight the climate crisis.”

Get used to it, Fancy Nancy.

November 8th you’ll be booed out of the majority.

Pelosi was met with some cheers and some boos with one incredulous New Yorker caught on video saying, why is everyone booing” before laughing.

Kevin McCarthy said earlier about Pelosi:

“Because the Democrats have caused inflation, crime in our streets by defunding the police, runaway spending causing inflation.

“Going after American energy and making the price of gas, causing inflation.

“This is a plan to fix the problems the Democrats have created, and I think the American public should have an election based upon ideas.”

“I think why she does that is she can’t run on the policies and the damage they’ve caused to America.

“And they have no plan to fix it,” he said.

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