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Report: Feds Accused of Paying for Censorship – Millions of Social Media Posts Apparently Targeted During Last Election

What’s Happening:

Donald Trump–and millions of his supporters–have been saying this for years. But few on the left believed them.

We have often suspected that social media was manipulating our information. All to influence our elections.

Well now, the cat’s out of the bag. And guess who was behind it?

From The Western Journal:

The federal government has been working with a group of four private companies to flag supposed election “misinformation” for censorship by social media platforms…

Two recent reports, published on Friday and Saturday by Just the News, reveal the group was responsible for the censorship of 20 news outlets during the 2020 election…

In addition, the group, which calls itself the Election Integrity Partnership, put together a list of “repeat spreaders” of election misinformation in 2020. The list included now-former President Donald Trump, his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump and a number of other prominent right-leaning figures on social media.

According to new bombshell reports, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies used a group of four private companies to monitor content on social media sites in 2020.

They would then flag the content as “misinformation,” triggering the social networks to take it down.

This appeared to be an orchestrated effort to prevent conservative views from spreading during the election.

Some of the top targets were none other than President Donald Trump, his sons, and other prominent right-leaning persons.

The First Amendment bans the government from censoring your free speech. But it is also illegal for the government to hire private companies to censor you.

Or to even pressure a private company to silence your free speech.

These reports appear to show the government doing just that. After the election, this group received millions in tax dollars.

It continues its work censoring content to this day.

Everyone was so worried about that “Disinformation Board” that the DHS was going to create. Yet all along, the government was censoring Americans.

This bombshell report must be answered. Republicans need to launch investigations to get to the bottom of this.

Key Takeaways:

  • The federal government used a private firm to censor content during the 2020 Election.
  • The group was made up of four private firms, which were given millions of dollars after the election.
  • Organizations involved include the DHS, the State Department, and the DNC.

Source: The Western Journal

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