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MSNBC Host Apologizes For Insulting Lauren Boebert, GOP Rep Fires Back And Gets Last Laugh

DNC adviser and MSNBC’s Kurt Bardella issued an apology today for insulting GOP Rep Lauren Boebert on the cable network but it was the GOP Rep who got the last laugh.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid asked Bardella about Boebert’s tight race for reelection (the race is virtually tied and will certainly have a recount no matter who wins: “What’s the meaning if Lauren Boebert, the second most popular congressperson in MAGA, what if she loses? What job will Lauren Boebert have if she loses?”

Bardella said: “I guess it might be a gain for OnlyFans.” The backlash to his comments came from all sides until he issued a weak apology.

Bardella said: “I appreciate your feedback and when someone from your vantage point weighs in – that warrants consideration and reflection.

“I’ll be more thoughtful about my words in the future. It is NEVER my intention to shame women. I apologize. Period.

“There is nothing wrong with consensual interactions on platforms like OnlyFans.

“Anyone suggesting otherwise in an effort to shame or judge really needs to examine their own perception of women and their autonomy.

“That said, I have zero appetite for the faux-outrage coming from the MAGA-ites because we all know they don’t give a rip about sexism, misogyny or equality.

“They are hypocrites of the first order.

“Just look at their standard-bearer.”

Boebert said today:

“Liberals even suck at feminism.

“Can y’all do anything right?”

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