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Woke Disney Hit with Stunning Accusation – Lawsuit Claims the Mouse House Violated Employee Constitutional Rights

2022 was a rough year for Disney. The stock spiraled down to historic lows, the company fired its current CEO and brought back the former boss, and park attendance fell.

But now it seems their problems extend beyond “go woke, go broke.” Now they’re facing a legal hurdle for allegedly colluding with the federal government to force a certain mandate.

And several brave employees are standing up for their constitutional rights.

During the pandemic, many major corporations implemented controversial guidelines. Some forced their employees to get the vaccine; even the military implemented the questionable mandate.

But since then, numerous lawsuits have hit the courts, brought by former employees who believe their rights were trampled.

In this case, two Disney employees who were fired for refusing to get the vax are pushing back — and they’re saying that because Disney is a “state actor,” they’re subject to the Constitution’s laws.

If that’s accurate, then firing employees for that reason definitely is a serious rights question.

Via The Daily Wire:

A lawsuit filed by two Disney employees who were fired for refusing the COVID vaccine alleged that Disney is closely enmeshed with the government and that when it forced a vaccine mandate on its employees, it was essentially a ‘state actor’ — which would make it subject to the Constitution’s ‘equal protection clause,’ lawyers wrote.

The Biden administration counted on these big employers to implement rules that might not be constitutional. In other words, the government was allegedly skirting the rules of the country.

This includes social media censorship and potentially illegal vaccine mandates. As the lawsuit states:

The Constitution provides that the government, and state actors cannot take life, liberty or property without due process and equal protection of the law.

There is no dispute that the Defense Department was looking to partner with private business in its effort to vaccinate.

At what point does partnership go beyond independent entities working voluntarily toward a shared mission to entwinement, such that they can be considered a state actor?

The attorneys point out that if the federal government had tried to require all professional athletes to get a vaccination, without exemption rights, that could easily be challenged in a court of law.

So in this case, if Disney qualifies as a “state actor,” they too would fall into the same category as the government.

The lawsuit added that the firing of Beth Faber and Allison Williams wasn’t just symbolic, but “part of a very orchestrated and choreographed partnership” between Disney and Big Brother.

President Biden pushed business owners and employers to implement vaccine mandates, and not wait for full FDA approval. This was roundly questioned, and perhaps rightfully so.

It seems feasible that Disney really is a state actor in this case, as there appears to be plenty of evidence that supports a “revolving door theory” involving the White House and Disney executive offices.

For example, Kristina Schake led the COVID vaccine education campaign for the Biden administration, and then was picked by Disney to become their new executive vice president of global communications.

As far as the plaintiffs are concerned, that’s evidence enough: Disney is a state actor, and they ignored their employees’ constitutional rights.

Key Takeaways:

  • Two former Disney employees are suing the corporation for violating their constitutional rights.
  • They were fired for refusing the vaccine mandate, and the lawsuit says that because Disney is a “state actor,” they’re subject to the Constitution’s laws.
  • The suit claims clear connections between Disney and the White House.

Source: The Daily Wire

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