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Minutes After Durham Report Explodes – Trump Sends Democrats 1 ‘Treasonous’ Message

When Americans hear of the FBI investigating matters of national security, they should have something to show for it, right?

Nope. Of course not. Time and time again they’ve come up with their hands empty.

Well, we’ve been waiting forever for the results of investigations into Persident Trump.. During that time, Democrats made all kinds of accusations.

One of those eventually led to a major political probe of Trump. Only, it doesn’t have the conclusions the Democrats were hoping for at all, and something’s got to give.

From Fox News:

“I, and much more importantly, then American public have been victims of this long-running and treasonous charade started by the Democrats — started by Comey,” Trump told Fox News Digital. “There must be a heavy price to pay for putting our country through this.”

Durham’s report found that the Department of Justice and FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation.

Comey was like a dog with the prospect of getting a bone. It didn’t matter if there was an actual bone or not, if he was able to oversee a controversial FBI investigation, he did. And that included the Russia investigation.

But even after Trump dismissed him in 2017, Democrats kept the pressure on. And for what? There was absolutely no evidence that should have led to the investigation in the first place.

Since they started it over nothing, it looks like their motivation was to try to make smear the President. They wasted several years along with taxpayer dollars, banking on the public’s trust and their anticipating some kind of results that would show it was worth it.

At least Special Counsel John Durham was one person who actually seemed to be doing his job. Even so, Democrats claimed his role was political. Anything to distract from their betrayal of the American people.

What the FBI investigators did went not only against justice but against national security. When FBI investigators cannot follow the law, they have to face the consequences. We cannot afford to just let things slide as Democrats seem to expect.

Key Takeaways

  • Special Counsel John Durham released his four-year report on the Trump-Russia investigation, which found no evidence for it.
  • Trump said there must be a “heavy price to pay” for the pointless probe that began in July 2016.
  • The probe followed accusations of Russian collusion in Trump’s presidential campaign that same year.

Source: Fox News

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