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Texas Just Gave the Last-Ditch Order – Governor Abbott Calls Up ‘Tactical Border Force’ Days Before Major Change

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden has put America in more danger than you realize. In a matter of days, Biden will revoke a rule that allowed Border Patrol to defend our country. It was the only measure left that actually prevented illegal aliens from staying in the U.S.

And after it goes away, there will be nothing left that enables federal officers from preventing a tidal wave of illegals from crashing against our nation.

That’s not good enough for Texas Gov. Abbott. His state has been hammered by Biden’s deliberate neglect of the border. And things will only get worse, once Title 42 is gone. So, the Republican governor is pulling out all the stops to protect Texans. And he just launched a force that will freeze criminal aliens in their tracks.

From Fox News:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday announced a new Texas Tactical Border Force ahead of the expiration of the Title 42 public health order, which helped block migrants from entering the U.S…

Texas National Guard is loading Black Hawk helicopters and C-130s to deploy specially trained National Guard members to “hotspots along the border to intercept, to repel and to turn back migrants who are trying to enter Texas illegally,” Abbott said at a press conference from Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

Wow. Gov. Abbott is activating more than 545 special National Guard members to push back on illegal immigration. This Texas Tactical Border Force will use Black Hawk helicopters to monitor hotspots for illegal entry. And these troops will be tasked with turning back those who try to come in illegally.

Texas is using military equipment and vehicles to defend the border? What, are we at war or something?

I think you know the answer to that. Biden is beefing up the defenses of corrupt nations like Ukraine, while cartels are storming our border. Biden has turned a blind eye to millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are smugglers and traffickers.

Biden does not care that American lives are at risk, as criminal scum use our border like a revolving door. And let’s not forget how terror cells know that the border is opening, giving them easy entry into the country.

It’s a war, plain and simple. And it requires every resource we have to win it. But Biden has lowered the gates, so the enemy can just waltz in. Sadly, other border states have given up, their Democrat governors refusing to do anything.

Key Takeaways:

  • Texas Gov. Abbott announced a Texas Tactical Border Force to defend the border.
  • Biden has ended Title 42, which will result in even more migrants entering the country.
  • Under Joe, millions of illegal aliens have flooded the United States.

Source: Fox News

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