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Elon Musk Accuses Biden Of “Insanely Illegal Overreach: Weaponization of Government Agencies For Censorship And Political Machinations Needs to Stop”

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Elon Musk reached his limit with the scandalous and illegal actions of President Joe Biden’’s administration and accused Joe of weaponizing government agencies for censorship and political reasons.

Twitter has asked a federal court to terminate the FTC’s consent order imposed in 2022. The company alleges that the agency has “spiraled out of control and become tainted by bias”, and that it has been pursuing a “burdensome and vexatious” investigation of Twitter.

The order also seeks a stay that would prohibit the agency from deposing Musk, arguing that the agency’s desire to question him “derives from the same bad faith conduct that has characterized its investigation to date” A hearing is set for Aug 17.

The House Judiciary Committee said: “Joe Biden’s FTC wanted Ernst & Young to punish @elonmusk’s Twitter.

“If they didn’t, Ernst & Young feared they would be retaliated against by the government.

Elon Musk said: “Insanely illegal overreach by FTC.

“FTC overreach has gone absurdly far beyond the legal mandate granted by Congress.

“Weaponization of government agencies for censorship & political machinations needs to stop.

“This platform is unique in no longer rubber stamping FISA queries.

“They must be soundly justified.”






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