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AG Barr Investigators Locate Obama’s REAL Birth Certificate

At the request of President Donald Trump, Attorney General Bill Barr has assigned a crack team of special investigators to seem into the Obama certificate matter. an indoor source at the DOJ who didn’t wish to be named told our Senior Justice Correspondent Art Tubolls that the investigators have hit pay dirt:

“They found the important certificate in Kenya. If we will prove this, it’ll undo each piece of legislation signed by Obama. Every Justice that Obama appointed to the courts are going to be relieved of duty. Needless to mention , we’re pretty excited about this.”

Lead Correspondent Sandra Batt from our Africa Bureau spoke to Nowa Niedtazhitt, Kenyan Minister of Birth Records and Propaganda who told us the following:

“We’ve been following the Obama certificate story within the papers for years, but this is often the primary time anyone has actually come here to ask about it. Had they bothered asking, we might have provided the particular certificate years ago. Yes, he was born here.

Unfortunately, thanks to the present action by Attorney General Barr, we cannot release a picture of the certificate until after the trial begins within the us . AG Barr is in possession of the first certificate itself, so i might expect him to release a high-resolution image through the traditional American channels.”

It looks like our patience is close to pay off. this suggests no more Obamacare. No more Shania Law. No more welfare for illegals. Two more Trump Supreme Court appointments. America are going to be returned to her rightful owners – the descendants of the Anglo-Europeans who conquered this land numerous years ago.

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