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Apple Set To Cash In On Taxpayers – Americans Accuse The Company Of ‘Welfare’ After $200 Million Creates Just 50 Jobs

We often hear about the government propping up big businesses because it will help the economy. Companies from Amazon to Apple enjoy all kinds of perks from state and federal government, because they are supposed to be improving our communities. These companies land government contracts or enjoy massive tax breaks—all in the name of “creating jobs.”

But how often do these (often liberal-run) companies actually help our country? In Iowa, tech giant Apple received $200 million for a data plant that was supposed to be finished in 2020. Yet the company that is known for impressive results won’t get it finished for many years. And now, residents are shocked at how little it will improve their city.

From Fox News:

Residents of a Des Moines suburb criticized a government agreement with Apple that gave the tech giant $200 million in public subsidies for a project that’s years behind schedule…

Apple reached an agreement with state and local officials in 2017 that gave the tech giant $213 million in public subsidies in exchange for 50 permanent jobs at a data center it would build in Waukee…

Apple, which reached a market value of $3 trillion in January, planned to open the data center in 2020, according to the company’s initial announcement. Apple now plans to complete the project in 2027, according to the Des Moines Register…

One citizen told Fox News: “It’s just welfare. Waukee probably would’ve been just fine without it.”

Apple received $213 million in public subsidies in exchange for building a data plant in a Des Moines suburb. But the plant, that was supposed to be finished two years ago, won’t be done until 2027. On top of that, it will only employ 50 people. Now, you tell me, was that worth $200 million in taxpayer money?

Keep in mind that Apple is worth trillions. It could have easily built that data center in a few months on its own dime and not even notice. Why did the company feel the need to apparently fleece the people of Waukee, and show nothing in return? This is pretty fishy if you ask us. Apple is known for ground-breaking technology that has transformed the world.

So, why can’t they finish a simple data center?

Citizens are in no way pleased. They are calling it “welfare” and are demanding answers. Serves them right. There might have been factors out of Apple’s hands that delayed the project. Maybe local or state red tape slowed them down. But you really have to wonder why they needed $200 million for a center that will only employ 50 people (chances are, they’ll hire people from outside Waukee, so it won’t even help locals).


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