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Mike Pence Just Took Sides Against Trump – The Former VP Is Flying Down To Support Kemp In Georgia Race

The fate of Georgia will be decided this November. Socialist activist Stacy Abrams is once again running for governor. If she is elected, the state will go the way of Illinois, New York, and California.

The current governor, Brian Kemp, is facing a tough challenger in former senator, David Perdue. Donald Trump, outspoke critic of Kemp, is endorsing Perdue.

But his former ally is flying down in support of another.

From 11 Alive:

Former Vice President Mike Pence will be coming to Georgia to campaign on behalf of Gov. Brian Kemp, the governor’s campaign announced Friday morning.

The campaign issued a release that said Pence would attend a rally with Gov. Kemp on Monday, May 23 – the day before the May 24 primaries in Georgia.

Mike Pence, in another stab against his former boss, will be going to Georgia to rally for Gov. Brain Kemp.

Trump has been very vocal about his disgust for Kemp. Trump helped Kemp get elected in 2018.

But the 45th president claims Kemp did not go far enough in enforcing the 2020 Election. Trump has frequently called Kemp a RINO and is secretly working for Democrats.

It’s somewhat unusual that Pence is showing up to help Kemp. Pence has long been an enemy of the D.C. swamp and a strong opponent to known RINOs.

Plus, he has tried to avoid contradicting or opposing Trump since leaving Washington. His choice to back Trump’s “enemy” will only further drive them apart.

But what will this mean for the election? Recent polling suggests Perdue has a 22-point edge over Kemp, a massive margin.

Can Pence’s involvement change that? And what will this mean for the November election, when Republicans will have to fight to keep socialism out of the state?

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