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Joe Manchin Triple-Hammered Over Inflation Bill

To the shock of many Americans, so-called moderate Democrat, Joe Manchin, is supporting a new spending bill that will raise taxes. He is doing this, even though he had previously admitted the last spending bill was a mistake.

Well, folks are not happy with Manchin’s flip-flop. And they are making it loud and clear.

From Fox Business:

Groups representing small business interests slammed a deal announced Wednesday by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., saying it would increase inflation and hurt employment…

“We all know that taxes roll downhill,” Alfredo Ortiz, president of the Job Creators Network, told FOX Business in an interview. “So, it’s either going to be an increase in cost and, ultimately, in prices to the consumer, which is inflationary, or it’s going to be a job killer. At the end of the day, you have a few levers to pull.”

Republican Sen. Toomey also weighed in, saying Manchin got played by his party.

From Daily Wire:

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) on Sunday said that moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) got “taken to the cleaners” by Senate Democrats by agreeing to their tax and spending package…

“So this is going to do a lot of harm, and there is not going to be a corresponding benefit.”

And even Fox News’ Brett Baier blasted the Democrat.

From YouTube:

Fox News’ Bret Baier reported that the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion tax and spending lead to inflation even though Democrats said it would not, during a segment on Fox News’ “Fox News Sunday” with Bret Baier on 7/31/2022.

Word is coming out on just how damaging this new spending bill could be. Biden and the left claim it won’t raise taxes on people earning below $400,000 a year.

But initial looks at the bill say the opposite. More than that, the bill levies a $25 billion tax on crude oil—which will further increase the cost of gas and energy.

The bill raises the corporate minimum tax, which will hit companies hard. They will have no choice but to either cut salaries or let many workers go.

Small business leaders blasted Joe Manchin for supporting this bill. They criticized him for backing a spending plan that will increase inflation and cost many Americans their jobs.

Sen. Toomey slammed Manchin over getting tricked by his party. Toomey claimed Manchin agreed to this bill because Democrats said they’d push a pro-energy bill later.

Toomey pointed out Democrats have no obligation to pass another bill. Pro-energy measures could have been put into this bill, but they weren’t.

Manchin sold out his position (and his state) and got nothing in return.

Baier put the nail in the coffin when he brought up the Democrats’ disastrous $1.9 tax and spending bill from last year.

Democrats, including Joe Biden (and Manchin), claimed it would not lead to inflation. But that was the very thing that kicked start inflation that has gotten worse every month since.

But now we’re supposed to believe this new spending bill (which will raise taxes) won’t make inflation worse.

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