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Nikki Haley Hits Trump With Painfully Accurate Spirit Halloween Costume Meme

Halloween came early to the 2024 presidential election campaign trail.

On Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley shared a Halloween-themed meme of her GOP opponent and former boss—former Republican President Donald Trump—on X.

Haley captioned the post on X:

“Democrats are ecstatic about the prospect of running against Donald Trump.”
“They couldn’t dream up a worse general election candidate if they tried.”
“Between his legal drama, his terrible poll numbers, and his confusion, Trump will hand Democrats a big victory.”

As expected, responses on Haley’s post were mixed between amused agreement and misogynist and xenophobic attacks from Trump’s MAGA minions who even managed to drag Hillary Clinton into it.

As expected, responses on Haley’s post were mixed between amused agreement and misogynist and xenophobic attacks from Trump’s MAGA minions who even managed to drag Hillary Clinton into it.






On January 24, Trump took to Truth Social to issue a warning to anyone who contributes to Haley’s campaign.

@@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social

Trump wrote:

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp.”

“We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!”

Not exactly the words of a strong or confident candidate.

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